Donald J Trump Emoji Sticker

Yes, Donald, they hate you. I've no doubt that they're not alone, but was/is your prosecution politically motivated? Gee, surely not ...

In the land of the free and such ...?

Still, you're getting a better deal than MLK, or JFK and his brother ... so best not to whinge too much - eh?

A silly emoji sticker of Trump being sad or shocked
Victim Trump

If Trump gets put in jail, he'll become the ultimate political prisoner

And let's not forget Julian Assange, a most inconvenient Man - right?

Another emoji sticker of Trump being cross
Victimiser Trump

Dear Donald, I'm sure you'll do all you can to ensure that you look after you and yours, after all - that's what politics is all about. Not saying I think your addled opponent is any better, personally - I wish we could vote for dead people ... Elvis would be my first choice.

As is almost always the case here - these silly things are free to download and use, non-commercially. Simply save to your device and then attach them via TXT or email, or whatever.

Easy as.

Oh, and you know - feel free to share this on Facebook ... they love me!,

(Just kidding, please don't - they really, really hate me), This is spam don't you know? - LMFAO!

Take Care

UPDATE 14/07/24

If they can't jail him - seems they'll just kill him. Welcome back to 1963!

A new Emoiji is coming soon...

UPDATE 06/06/24

Wanna hear something truly weird? - Of course you do! Jo tried to share this post on Facebook ... here's what she got:

Facebook denying a post

We might all be getting our definition of "abuse" wrong, eh?

A spoof pic of the "founder" of facebook
Vee control zee narrative, Ja?

... Are we there yet?



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