I'm in a weird mood

I'm not in a bad mood per se, just a little off camber - a touch discombobulated. I have a bad tooth - which is not helping the cause, and there are other issues at play. Still, there's no sense in getting all bent about it ... so I thought I do a little meme instead.

A meme telling people you're a little fed up

As is almost always the case - do what ya like with it.

Oh, hey! Speaking of memes, did you hear that the Australian P.M. got all upset because people were

Putting my head on somebody else's body!

With the predictable result of him being meme reamed far and wide - WTF was he thinking?

Aussie PM meme in drag
I think he's pulling it off

Sometimes I really believe that the people who advise these politicians occasionally just sit back with a beer and watch them screw themselves.

Anyway - memes may have replaced sarcasm as the lowest form of wit - but they often give voice to the things we all think or feel at some time or another, so for me, they very much fall into the free-expression category.

The word "meme" was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976), as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena

That quote almost makes memes seem positively intellectual, eh? - No doubt there will be more in the future ...

Take Care

