Add A Favicon To Your Blogger Blog

Making your Blog yours, includes "branding", and as such you might want a Favicon.

Great - right?

WTF is a favicon?

A favicon (/ˈfæv.ɪˌkɒn/; short for favourite icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons associated with a particular website or web page.

So in short, it's also that silly little recognisable thing you see next to a "favourite" link you've saved as a "Bookmark" etc, or it's what you see next to the text in a tab on some sites.

a simple flow chart of how to upload a favicon to your blog

Right, so - Settings | Favicon | & upload the file of your choice.

Now, as you can see - Google wants it square and not too big, (I'll leave "title of your sex tape" jokes here for you to do with as you will...)


Anyway, and I am certainly NOT suggesting that you should use this emoji sticker - it's just an example. Right?

A simple bright yellow smiley

Whatever you use, be patient - it may not show up straight away, and it will not appear at all while you are in edit mode on blogger.

Have an excellent day

