Kamala Harris Emoji Sticker

You might be of the opinion that your vote matters. You may even believe that the people you vote for care about you.

Which is nice.

Deluded, but nice.

They do NOT "care" about you, and your vote means nothing.

Oh, I know - it hurts to find out that Santa isn't real - it sucked then and it sucks now.

Kamala Harris Emoji

Kamala Harris, cares about Kamala Harris.

Like they all do.

She's about as "for the people" as the bubonic plague.

But vote for who you like, they're all warmongering scumbag pieces of shit.

Including Trump ...

"I will support Israel's right to win its war on terror"

Presumably, no matter how many war crimes are committed, or innocents killed.

It's sickening - right?

Take Care

