Meta Evil

Feeling down? A little low and perhaps in need of a friend to talk too? There's no shame in that, we all get a bit blue from time to time. A touch of good cheer from a supportive mate is sometimes all that is needed to chase off our "black dog days", as Winston Churchill used to call them.

Unfortunately, many people turn to social media for support, only to find that it ain't there.

Evidence has been found of a significant relationship between Facebook addiction, low-self esteem, depression and lack of social skills. Some people have replaced human interaction with cyber interaction, which often fails to satisfy the need to belong ~ harleytherapy

The real point of social media isn't to improve your life or support you. It's to mine your data. For companies such as Meta, we are nothing more than cyber cows to be milked for profit as they see fit.

Evil looking emoji sticker with its tongue showing
Sit down and tell me everything!

Let's face it - no company is going to spend millions of dollars to provide you with a free product, if they did - they'd be out of business within months. Meta claims that advertising is what brings in the big dollars, which is interesting, as they also say that:

Spamming is the use of messaging systems to send multiple unsolicited messages (spam) to large numbers of recipients for the purpose of commercial advertising ~ Facebook

So Meta engages in the very thing it considers to be spam?

How deliciously hypercritical of them.

The other way of looking at all this is, that you are the product. And every time you post a little bit about yourself to their servers, they hoover it up and feed it through their algorithms in order to send you more tailored spam.

Fun, isn't it?.

I guess they'll claim that you signed a user agreement, you signed up for this shit, right?

According to NBC news"Facebook's mood-manipulation experiment in 2014 included more than half a million randomly selected users. Facebook altered their news feeds to show more positive or negative posts. The purpose of the study was to show how emotions could spread on social media".

Do you remember ticking a box that says you're cool with being subjected to mind experiments and emotional manipulation?

'Course you don't - but you did.

A cadre of psychologists has argued for years that the use of Facebook and other social media is linked to mental distress

Now for the really scary bit. It's long been known that social media use can be addictive, just like gambling - or any other process addiction:

Psychology today posted this little factoid:

"To explore the seriousness of this addiction, Hofmann and colleagues (2012) randomly texted participants over the course of a week to ask what they most desired at that particular moment. They found that among their participants, social media use was craved even more than tobacco and alcohol".

Happy dancing emoji sticker
Sing along if you know the tune

The extraordinary thing is that the Meta allows users to join at the age of 13. An age where, legally, one cannot sign a contract - and a user agreement is exactly that.

Now, perhaps you need the consent of a legal guardian to sign up - but what about after that? How many parents are relying on the Metaverse to help raise their spawn?

No doubt too many, the real question is are you one of them, and if so - what are ya going to do about it?

Take Care

